A Full Metal Jacket star demolished Amazon for this terrible woke blunder

Jun 28, 2024

Full Metal Jacket is considered one of the best war movies of all time.

But that didn’t keep it safe from the woke leadership of Big Tech. 

And a Full Melt Jacket star demolished Amazon for this terrible woke blunder. 

Amazon censors iconic helmet on Full Metal Jacket artwork

The 1987 war movie, Full Metal Jacket, is considered a timeless classic from the late director Stanley Kubrick.

Full Metal Jacket follows a platoon of Marines at boot camp in Parris Island, South Carolina where they deal with harsh drill instructor Gunnery Sergeant Hartman – played by the late actor R. Lee Ermey, a former Marine drill instructor and Vietnam veteran.

The second half of the movie follows the platoon to Vietnam where they experience the 1968 Tet Offensive.

The artwork that was used for the cover of the VHS and DVDs and now for streaming services for the film has become iconic.

It features an Army helmet with a peace sticker on it along with the words “Born to Kill” written in white with full metal jacket ammunition tucked into it.

Amazon Prime Video committed a bizarre act of censorship against the movie on its page to buy or rent it.

The words “Born to Kill” were erased from the helmet.

Outrage poured in after another act of needless censorship against a classic movie.

Full Metal Jacket actor blasts Amazon for censoring Army helmet 

Actor Matthew Modine played Private/Sergeant J. T. “Joker” Davis in Full Metal Jacket.

It was his character who wore the “Born to Kill” helmet in the movie.

He dropped the hammer on Amazon for this infuriating act of censorship on social media.

“Who decided to remove ‘BORN TO KILL?’ Not only did they alter a piece of iconic art by Philip Castle, but they completely misunderstood the point of it being there. Pvt. Joker wears the helmet with ‘BORN TO KILL’ and the peace ☮️ button as a statement about ‘the duality of man,’” Modine wrote on X.

The helmet’s message comes up in the movie.

An Army Colonel notices that Private Joker has the words “Born to Kill” written on his helmet while wearing a button with a peace symbol.

“You write ‘born to kill’ on your helmet and you wear a peace button. What’s that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke?” the colonel asks.

“No, Sir,” Joker replies. 

“What is it supposed to mean?” the colonel asked. 

“The duality of man. The Jungian thing, sir,” Joker replays, referencing psychologist Carl Jung.

Amazon began to backpedal after Modine brought attention to the helmet’s iconic phrase being erased.

The artwork for Full Metal Jacket was replaced with a scene featuring Modine’s character.

Warner Bros. – the movie’s distributor – reached out to Amazon about changing the artwork back to the original.

Amazon Prime Video agreed to restore the original artwork of the film with “Born to Kill” on the helmet.

Matthew Modine calling attention to the censorship likely built enough of a backlash to force the hand of the Big Tech giant.

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