Kevin O’Leary lowered the boom on Gavin Newsom with this epic truth bomb

Jun 20, 2024

Legendary investor Kevin O’Leary has spent 15 seasons as a judge on TV’s Shark Tank.

He knows how to spot someone who’s not on the up and up.

And Kevin O’Leary lowered the boom on Gavin Newsom with this epic truth bomb.

Kevin O’Leary says Gavin Newsom is turning California into a third-world country 

O’Leary Ventures chairman Kevin O’Leary was back in California to begin shooting the next season of the hit ABC reality show, Shark Tank.

And he unloaded on California Governor Gavin Newsom for what he saw in the state during an appearance on Fox Business.

“I’m here in California shooting season 16 of Shark Tank,” Newsom said. “The casual dining sector in this state has been decimated by a policy mistake on minimum wage. They’re shutting down left and right. I mean, Gavin Newsom made a huge mistake. I think he knows that now.”

California’s minimum wage for fast food workers jumped from $16 an hour to $20 in April after a law signed by Newsom.

The state lost more than 10,000 restaurant jobs after the law took effect.

“He’s turning this state into a sort of a version of Venezuela, and it’s just killing business,” O’Leary continued. “Not only in restaurants but in everything.”

Businesses fleeing California for red states

O’Leary noted that states are competing for jobs and business. 

“There’s all kinds of capital leaving here for more competitive states, and that’s a good thing, competition of states in America,” O’Leary said. “You see what’s going on in Tennessee, Florida, Texas.”

The Shark Tank star laid into Newsom for the decline that he’s seen in the state.

“They’re dragging all these companies that can’t make money anymore in Gavin Newsom’s,” O’Leary explained. “I can’t be. Listen, I’ve met him. He’s a nice guy, but I can’t be more critical of his policies. He’s a bad manager. He’s decimated this place. I’ve been coming here for 15 years. This is a shell of what it used to be.”

California used to be representative of the American dream with people from around the country moving there.

Now it’s become a symbol of American decline under Newsom.

A survey from Consumer Affairs found that California is the top state country for people to move out of.

“People are considering leaving states with higher costs of living for those with lower costs,” the Consumer Affairs report stated. “The states with the highest net loss of migration, New York and California are home to densely populated cities with notoriously high rent costs.”

Los Angeles and San Francisco topped the study’s list of cities that had the most move-outs.

“Rising rent prices, a housing struggle, high tax rates, and overcrowding are common issues in many of the cities that top this year’s move-out list,” the report states.

California has turned into a socialist nightmare after decades of Democrats misrule.

Gavin Newsom wants to run for President in the future using the state as his blueprint for the rest of the country.

Doing so would seal the deal on the U.S. becoming little better than a third world country.

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