Prince Harry made one scary decision that Meghan Markle is going to hate

Jun 20, 2024

Prince Harry is planning on making some major changes to his life.

Now he’s going to face his past in the most uncomfortable way. 

And Prince Harry made one scary decision that Meghan Markle is going to hate. 

Homesick Prince Harry wants to find a home in the United Kingdom 

A royal expert says that Prince Harry is “homesick” and wants to find a home in the United Kingdom.

He and his wife, D-list actress Meghan Markle, lost their Frogmore Cottage in England gifted to them by the British Royal Family after they quit as working Royals.

To Di For Daily podcast host Kinsey Schofield said that Harry is searching for a house in the United Kingdom to be able to visit home more often and begin repairing his frayed relationship with his family.

Harry and Meghan currently live in the exclusive celebrity enclave of Montecito, California.

“I hear that Harry is both content with his new lifestyle and homesick,” Schofield said. “It just depends on the day. I’m sure Harry could get homesick, and we know that he is prone to wearing his heart on his sleeve. Meghan has likely permitted him to try to establish an additional residence in the UK if that will make him happy, but I doubt she has any desire to participate in the process or visit.”

Harry lost his security funded by the British taxpayers after he quit being a working Royal.

Now he’s gone to court in the United Kingdom to try and get it back.

Schofield predicted Harry “won’t make any drastic or financial moves until he settles his security issues.”

King Charles’ former Butler says Prince Harry is trying to make amends with his family 

Grant Harrold – the former Butler to King Charles III – told the New York Post that Prince Harry is trying to repair his broken relationship with his family.

He said that Harry has been looking for a property back home across the pond.

“It’s something that he’s wanted and been thinking about,” Harrold told the Post. “Now he’s probably made the decision, that’s what he wants. Not having a home in the UK was probably a joint decision initially, but as time goes on, people’s views and decisions can change.”

Schofield said that if Harry bought a home in the United Kingdom that Meghan would spend most of her time back in California.

“She feels rejected by the UK and that does not sit well with her,” Schofield stated. “I don’t even think she has any desire to win them over again. Meghan is totally focused on winning over the elite in Hollywood. With jam. And dog treats.”

Meghan has embarked on building a lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, to cater to the wealthy elite with overpriced products.

King Charles and Princess Kate Middleton are both battling undisclosed forms of cancer.

Schofield said that the Royal Family has bigger priorities than dealing with Harry’s drama.

“I don’t think the family cares if [Harry] buys property in the UK,” Schofield said. “I think they are consumed with healing and loving one another right now.”

Prince Harry has a long road ahead of him to rebuild his relationship with his family after his antics with Meghan Markle.

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