Vanna White is dealing with this bad situation on TV after Pat Sajak’s retirement

Jun 27, 2024

Wheel of Fortune is undergoing a dramatic change after the retirement of Pat Sajak.

Not everyone is happy with what’s taking place on the long-running game show. 

Now Vanna White is dealing with this bad situation on TV after Pat Sajak’s retirement. 

Vanna White might retire from Wheel of Fortune because of Ryan Seacrest 

Pat Sajak gave a heartfelt goodbye to fans during his final episode as the host of Wheel of Fortune after 41 seasons in early June.

His longtime co-host Vanna White announced last year that she was sticking around for two seasons on the show.

Many people speculated that she and Sajak would retire together after working with him for more than 40 years.

She said that thought crossed her mind.

“When I heard that Pat was retiring, I thought maybe I should retire, too. But I’m not ready!” White said. “I feel happy for him. I can’t imagine doing the show without him after 41 years. I sum it up as [like] reading a good book. It always has to end. This has been the best book I’ve ever read.”

American Idol host Ryan Seacrest was quickly named as Sajak’s replacement last year.

Now the longtime letter-turner is apparently rethinking her decision to return to Wheel of Fortune according to a new report.

A source told the Daily Mail that White isn’t clicking with Seacrest on set and that she already misses working with Sajak.

“Vanna is retiring from the show when her contract ends, but there is a part of her that wants to walk away sooner,” the source said. “It is just so difficult to do this without Pat. She just doesn’t jibe with Ryan like she did with Pat, and no one really ever expected her to. There is just no way that she possibly could.”

Wheel of Fortune began taping this summer for its upcoming season that will debut this fall.

Ryan Seacrest needs to find his Vanna White 

White got a big salary increase last year to extend her contract through the 2025-2026 season.

She was supposed to bridge the transition from the Sajak era to Seacrest and provide a veteran presence on set.

The Daily Mail source claimed that White realizes that the Wheel of Fortune needs to go in a different direction.

“Vanna feels that she has put her time in,” the Daily Mail source said. “She devoted her entire life to this show and she had an incredible run while making a fortune.”

“She knows that the show needs to go in a different direction and appeal to a younger demographic,” the source continued. “She wants the show to continue. This will require a younger female host, someone who can be to Ryan what she was to Pat.”

Seacrest said that he was excited that White extended her contract to stay on the game show last year.

“This is such great news,” Seacrest said. “Vanna has been such a staple on that show and in our living rooms for so many years. I’ve been very excited to work with her but now that it’s official I can say, ‘Congratulations, Vanna.’ I can’t wait.”

Vanna White’s eventual exit from Wheel of Fortune will truly mark the end of an era. 

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