This rookie just got a major wake-up call after making this dirty move

Mar 18, 2024

In Canada and for many Americans, the game of hockey reigns supreme as the sport of choice. 

Diehard hockey fans love nothing more than settling down and watching a great game with some friends cheering on the hard hits and fights.

But this rookie just got a major wake-up call after making this dirty move that turned into a major suspension. 

Matt Rempe of the New York Rangers just learned a lesson the hard way

There are few sports as tough and physical as hockey.  The body checks, the falls on the rock-hard ice, and the occasional fight makes this sport exciting and challenging. 

Although hockey requires considerable toughness and grit, you still have to play by the rules. 

Rookie Matt Rempe learned this the hard way after the NHL levied a four-game suspension on the 21-year-old from Calgary. 

The suspension comes after Rempe elbowed New Jersey Devils defenseman Jonas Siegenthaler on the head during their matchup last Monday. 

This brutal hit resulted in an immediate five-minute major penalty and a game misconduct. However, Rempe did not seem too bothered, as he mocked the Devils bench on his way to the penalty box.  

After Tempe’s hit, Devil’s defenseman Kurtis MacDermid skated up to confront Rempe, however, officials broke things up before a brawl could ensue.

MacDermid spoke out about the hit after the game, telling reporters “I wish I could have gotten to him sooner and taught him a lesson.”

He added, “There’s a right way to go about things and a wrong way.  He’s a young kid in this league. He has a lot to learn still. You don’t do things like that when you’re in your first year in the league, especially … You’ve got to learn how to hit properly and not injure players.”

At the end of the day, Matt Rempe’s penalty did not cost the Rangers too dearly, with the New York Rangers coming out on top against their rivals 3-1. 

So far, Matt Rempe has only played in ten games this season, yet he has managed to get himself in four fights resulting in 54 penalty minutes, compared to his 56 minutes on the ice. 

Players like Matt Rempe are sometimes referred to as “goons” in hockey, as they only serve to rough up the other team, without showing much offensive skills. 

What fun is hockey without some skull-crushing fights

Although many hockey fans would agree that Matt Rempe’s hit was a bit dirty, it’s that sort of action that keeps fans coming back for more. 

Hockey has failed to live up to its fullest potential, especially in some parts of the country where the only ice rinks are inside. 

If NHL officials hope to attract more attention to the sport, then easing up on strict penalties for fighting and hard hits should serve as a starting point. 

After all, these fights are the most exciting part of hockey. 

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