Christian researcher revealed the shocking reality behind near death experiences

Apr 11, 2024

The great question that everyone wants to know is, “What happens to me when I die?”

The great religions and cultures all answer this question in their own way.

But this Christian researcher may have found an answer by talking to people who have had near death experiences.

“I am Jesus, who you are persecuting . . .”

The book of Acts in the Bible tells the story of a man named Saul, who spent his days persecuting followers of Jesus.

It didn’t matter where they were from, what sex they were, or what position they held.

If they followed Jesus of Nazareth, Saul would seek to have them imprisoned.

Then one day, on the road to Damascus, Saul was blinded by a bright light from Heaven, and the Lord spoke to him. “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” the Lord asked.

Saul responded wondering, “Who are you, Lord?”

“I am Jesus, who you are persecuting,” the Lord replied and then He instructed Saul to continue his journey and find a disciple that would restore his vision.

Arriving in Damascus, Saul came to meet Ananias, who would restore his vision and send Saul on a journey to proclaim the name of Jesus to all—gentiles and kings alike.

“God is the God of all nations . . .”

Christian researcher John Burke says that the story of Saul is repeated every day in near-death experiences (NDEs).

Burke has been studying the experience of people who have escaped death for over 30 years, and he says that they all have one striking similarity.

“I interviewed 70 people on every continent, and found that they all encountered the same God; it didn’t matter their culture, ethnicity, or religious background. God is the God of all nations,” Burke said in a comment to the Christian Post.

Burke has published multiple books that tell these stories including that of a Hindu engineer who experienced the “brilliant god of lighting” and a nurse from Brownsville, Texas, who was contacted by Jesus directly.

The Christian researcher says that God is trying to reach people and he has an important message to impart.

God is telling the world “Heaven is real. Hell is real.”

Burke says that the people he has spoken with were struck by “His presence and of all the beauty” that they saw when experiencing NDEs.

These people tell stories of “great reunions with people” that they loved but had passed on.

“They all say ‘I never wanted to leave. . .’” he explains.

Burke believes that these experiences are part of the Lord’s “new global apologetic” to wake people up to His existence and “His desire for a relationship with every person.”

In his view, the Lord is bringing them to the “entrance to eternity” so that they might recognize the importance of meeting Him where he is.

“This can confuse some Christians. But I like to remind them that Apostle Paul was not a believer in Jesus, he was arresting Christians and having them jailed and killed when the same God of brilliant light appeared to him on the Damascus Road in Acts 9,” he said.

“I believe God is saying to the world, ‘I’m real. Heaven is real. Hell is real. And I love every person from every nation,” Burke says.

Now it’s up to people whether or not he should invite Jesus into their hearts and make a change for the better.

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