Scientists are still struggling to explain this century-old discovery in Nevada caves

Apr 11, 2024

Scientists hate it when they see something and they just can’t explain it.

But there are still many mysteries about our history that we have not been able to figure out.

And scientists are still struggling to explain this decades-old discovery from these Nevada caves.

The Paiute tribe of the western United States claim they eradicated “giant” invaders

When people think about Native American history, the mind normally goes to European settlement and the conflict that ensued.

But long before the pilgrims or Vikings arrived in the North American, an even bigger story was recorded that had Biblical implications.

Folklore, passed down through generations of the Paiute tribe, tells the story of a group of giant red-headed warriors that arrived in what is now the western United States.

The Paiute people called them the Si-Te-Cah which translates to “tule-eaters” after they came from Central America on rafts built from the tule plant.

According to Archaeology World, these men stood so tall that an average person would barely exceed the height of their knees.

The legend says local tribes battled with these strange men for years before eventually pushing them into the cave system and killing them off.

Then, in 1912, a discovery was made that shocked the scientific world.

University of California finds sandals as big as a size 29 shoe

In the late 1800s, a man by the name of John T. Reid was prospecting for mines in the western part of Nevada when he met a group of Paiutes.

The natives told him the story of the Si-Te-Cah and when he responded with skepticism, they encouraged him to visit a nearby cave outside of Lovelock, Nevada.

Reid couldn’t find the funding or manpower to begin an archaeological dig in the caves.

But within a few years, two men working to excavate bat guano for fertilizer found the cave and began to dig.

After a few months of digging, the men had found artifacts that warranted another look.

A cache of human skeletons that were said to be between 8 and 10 feet tall.

By 1912, the University of California began work digging out the cave and they were able to confirm the giant skeletons were real.

Among the skeletons they found weapons, clothing, and sandals that measured 15 inches in length – or about as long as size 29 shoes.

The finding was later corroborated by another excavation in a dry lakebed nearby.

10 ft tall skeletons could have a Biblical origin

In 1931, the Nevada Review-Miner published a report that two enormous skeletons were found just outside of Lovelock.

The larger of the two skeletons measured an incredible 10 ft tall.

Both skeletons appeared to have been preserved with mummification methods typically associated with Ancient Egypt.

Though scientists still struggle to understand the origin of these giant men, there have been multiple accounts of giants in other historical texts.

Spanish conquistador Pedro Cieza de León wrote about giant men from South America in his book Crónicas del Perú.

Christian historians would likely associate this discovery with the Nephilim mentioned in multiple books of the Bible.

Other historical texts from time would describe the Nephilim as large and powerful beings.

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