One squirrel’s shocking attack became a day off of school for some Virginia students

Apr 24, 2024

You just don’t know how precarious civilization really is until you realize a squirrel can shut down everything.

Small parts of America’s infrastructure keep civilization humming.

But this Virginia county just found out that one shocking squirrel attack can ruin everyone’s day.

Students in the Rappahannock County, Virginia Public School system had an unexpected day off recently.

One squirrel attacks the power grid

And it was for a reason no one ever saw coming.

Students had to be sent home at 9 a.m. due to a widespread power outage in a rural Virginia county — all thanks to one destructive squirrel.

The squirrel attacked an electrical substation and caused so much damage there was a widespread power outage in the county.

“The power outage was caused by a squirrel that damaged equipment within a substation, and affected 2,192 members,” said Casey Hollins, a spokeswoman with Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (REC).

The power outage affected the towns of Sperryville, Washington, and Woodville, and the entire county school system.

And while the schools decided to close and send students back home, it turned out the REC was able to restore power fairly quickly across the county.

Hollins pointed out that in order to get the power back up as quickly as possible, power was back fed from other substations that did not suffer any squirrel attacks.

She said many had power back within 29 minutes, while others had power back within 59 minutes.

Hollins also said power was restored fully and all repairs completed by 11 a.m.

A squirrel kamikaze mission?

While Hollins did not provide detailed information about just what the squirrel had damaged, or how it was able to do so much damage, it clearly did enough damage to have a major impact on the power grid.

It’s unclear as well what caused the squirrel to launch its attack on the substation, or why it chose to have such a shocking snack.

One thing is certain, school children in Rappahannock County were thrilled that the rambunctious rodent decided to chow down on electrical lines.

Sadly, the squirrel did not survive its kamikaze-like attack on the county’s power grid.

While many Americans are concerned about the stability of the nation’s power grid, almost no one saw the possibility of a single squirrel being able to cause so much damage.

One can only imagine what might happen if a similar squirrel assault is launched by dozens of squirrels.

Or worse yet, by dozens, or hundreds of terrorists who have entered the country illegally thanks to Joe Biden’s open borders.

If one single squirrel can shut down one county’s power, imagine what 1,000, or 10,000 terrorists could do if they were so inclined.

And they might not even have to give up their lives in the assault, unlike the squirrel.

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